Classes, laboratories, workshops
Contemporary dance
Alexander Andriashkin has been teaching dance since 2001 for professionals, amateurs and children.

In addition to multiple masterclasses and workshops, he was a guest teacher of contemporary dance at Ballet Moscow (2012−2022), responsible for contemporary direction at the Children’s School of Arts № 4 (2007−2011) and a regular teacher at the School of Contemporary Dance and Performance Tsekh (2009−2022).
In teaching he proposes to consider dance not as a change of positions and forms, but as a sequence of tasks aimed at conscious choice of initiation in the body, inner and outer support and direction in space. Shape is important, but it is as a result of these tasks that allows it to remain freer and not exhausted. The idea of constant continuation, where the energy from the previous action is not used to fix the result (pose, etc.) but is used for the next movement. It is suggested to move away from the idea of overcoming to action through effective release and further functional utilisation.

Active dynamics are alternated with anatomical analysys and centring and multi-tasking exercises. Practice of the proposed principles in choreographic material and own improvisational research.
Special attention is paid to the use of props for achieving dance skills (balls, pillows, etc…)

Taught contemporary dance in Russia, Germany, Ukraine, Finland, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Sweden.
© 2024 Andriyashkin